Welcome to Volta, we are an Australian start-up located on the beautiful Gold Coast. Our team has sacrificed up everything from jobs, houses, businesses, taste buds (2min noodle life) and even schooling degrees so that VOLTA could become a success! We were passionate about creating a company that produced products that set the standard for the industry. We refused to take shortcuts as many do in order to make a larger profit margin. Rather we focused on producing a quality product that our customers would be glad to purchase without any regrets!
We build consumer electronics and use the proceeds for social good, by renovating schools, health centres (vaccinating) and distributing food to the less-privileged in the third world countries.
Volta was birthed due to the desire we had as a team together to help those in need. For the majority of families in third world countries, parents are forced to beg on the streets as well as work full-time jobs! Many mothers that see no other alternatives to resolve their issues resort to working as prostitutes just to earn the extra money needed to feed their family and pay their children school fees. In most modernized countries we have the luxury of paying either extremely low schooling fees or our government provides schools FREE to the public. This was one of the countless driving factors to why Volta was created.
The idea was simple... it was to create a company that designed gadgets that were so good, that the world would desire them time after time again and that company today is VOLTA!
For those who don't know, at Volta, we give some of our earnings towards the ever increasing projects that we are actioning out within the continent of Africa.
- Health Outreach -
We are delighted to say that on the 18th of May, 2018, we took our community efforts one step further by carrying out a medical outreach in Opebi, Ikeja community in South-Western Nigeria.
We gave out over 200 insecticide-treated mosquito nets, tested residents of this slum community for malaria and general health, and gave out medication. We know that this does not amount to world domination but we are keen to do as much as we can within communities that need this.
- Education Outreach -
The two videos below show the previous state of the Ago Iwoye Secondary School and also the some of the changes that have been done to the school now.
- Before -
- After -
Prior to this, the entire high school students sat on the floor, they hardly had any chairs or desks. We were able to fill out over 4 entire school rooms with new chairs and desks for the students of this Nigerian high school.
Many students can barely afford school fees let alone the required books and materials they need for their classes. We were able to provide books, pens, pencils and other materials for hundreds of students.
We were also able to pay in full an entire year worth of schooling fees for OVER 60 young high school students!
These are just some of the many successful projects we have completed thus far. We will soon be sharing videos of before and after footage of the huge renovation work we did of an entire high school, so stay tuned for that!
carlos rios
I love the concept. and the quality seems like it would be better then the amazon cheap-o options. but the problem is, if you are going to do this for 1 device you need to do it for all devices so you dont need to carry duplicate cables/adapters everywhere.
this is where the problem comes in…. the price.
multiple type C adapters (battery packs, controllers, phones), lightning (ipad) and micro (controllers, BT speakers) with multiple length cables for (work, car, backpack, luggage, bedroom, living room).
all of that comes to over $200….. which is crazy. hopefully supply can be streamlined to bring down the prices. i cant wait to get these adapters on my devices.
This is really nice post. This post has really impress me through its quality writing. In this article i watch some new writing style which is really nice. So thanks for sharing such a awesome post.
electric razor women
I didn’t even realise when i backed this product where the money i was pledging was actually going somewhere else than the companies pockets for manufacturing etc. But after seeing where the gathered money is going, im super pleased about backing a small peice of tech that can make a huge difference for someone else in a completely different country. Thank you.
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